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Cave & Canyon

Rhodonite Freeform

Regular price $40.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 CAD
Rhodonite is a compassionate stone that helps balance emotions, heal past hurts and promote love. It energizes and harmonizes the heart, while also grounding energy and balancing yin-yang. Rhodonite can help overcome emotional trauma and anxiety and inspires self-love and forgiveness; encourages staying calm in difficult situations.

2.17 inches in size.

You will receive the exact stone shown.

We do our best to accurately showcase the specimen you receive. Please note, there may be slight color discrepancies, based on monitor calibration, lighting conditions etc.

Our crystals and crystal grids are for entertainment purposes only. Each user's experiences are subject to their personal interpretations. This information does not constitute medical, psychological, business, or financial advice. Each customer is responsible for themselves.